Payl8r Finance


go cardless

Anti-Wrinkle 3 Area Plan

Every wanted to Pay Monthly towards your Botox??

Well your be pleased to know we have now joined forces with GoCardless enabling you to set up a subscription for easy monthly payments towards your next Anti-Wrinkle Treatment.

The Subscription Plan we are offering to start with GoCardless is for Patients that have 3 Areas of Botox only.

The plan will work by setting up the Direct Debit straight after your last Botox treatment in Clinic at Reception. A payment of £61.25 will be taken every month for 12 months. After every 4th payment (equaling £245) you will them be paid up and be due your next 3 Areas of Anti-Wrinkle Treatment.

The subscription is set up to take 12 payments over the year, but of course you are free to cancel at any time. The balance outstanding will just be taken in clinic if your payments have not accrued to the total balance required for payment for treatment.

For more information about GoCardless please ask at Reception.

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